Esoteric Tips for Thanksgiving

Is Your Thanksgiving Spiritually Protected?

Thanksgiving is a great time of the year for families but it come with a lot of stress, such as who to invite to dinner and how to be gracious to those who really irritate you.

You can do some spiritual “work” before the Thanksgiving dinner that will ensure everyone will have a great time and the memories of the dinner will be fondly cherished for years.

Jasmine, the Flower of Peace

We suggest you use the aromatherapy Jasmine before and during the dinner. Jasmine is called the Flower Of Peace, which it is, so it can ensure the children don’t fight and that the quarrelling family members get along. But be careful because the Jasmine is a natural aphrodisiac, which means it can stimulate sensual energies, so watch out for the cousin with the roving eye!

Coconut for Natural Protection

The Coconut is a fruit that is famous across the world for warding off bad energies. It is said it was brought to Planet Earth by Lord Vishnu to help protect humans. You can use  Coconut aromatherapy or you can use a real Coconut in your centrepiece to add a tropical touch to your table.

Purify that Turkey Please!

All animals have spirits and also emotions. That Turkey is OK with being part of your feast, but probably not OK with how its life eneded. Purify the Turkey with Liberation Formula of flower essences or do a prayer asking the spirit of the Turkey to be released and to go into the light. By the way,  where did you think the spirit of that Turkey went.? It probably did not go anywhere, which is the point, and the reason to purify all of your food.

Visualize a Great Thanksgiving!

Take time each day prior to Thanks giving and visualize a beautiful table and your family and friends really enjoying the day. Energize the images of a wonderful time with your breath and then relax and know that magic works, and you should especially use it to enjoy the holidays.

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