For Spirit Invasion-State of Mind Peace Program

State of Mind

Peace Program

A Program to Strengthen and Protect Your Intentionality

For Spirit Invasion

Spirits, ghosts and entities can only invade and exist when the mindstreams are broken and the environment is toxic. The State of Mind Peace Program repairs the mind and detoxifies the environment so that the spirits cannot invade.

The Purification Mantra

For Spirit Invasion

The Purification Mantra works like a vacuum cleaner, purifying your mind of negative images, emotions, thoughts, old traumas and patterns that break your mindstreams and allow spirits to invade. Panic attacks are spirit attacks!

Even though I am afraid (in a panic), I love and accept myself.

Even though I am angry, I love and accept myself.

Even though I am depressed, I love and accept myself.

Even though I am confused, I love and accept myself.

Please do this mantra dozens of times a day, in silence with rhythmic breath.

The Intention Mantra

For Spirit Invasion

The Intention Mantra aligns you with your intention by reorganizing the congestions in your mind, creating a state of mind called being “in the zone” with your intentions.

Please God help me with my intention to heal my fear of spirits

(or ghosts).

Please, God, help me with my intention they go to the light.

Please God help me with my intention to purify my environment.

Please God help me with my intention to heal my rage.

Please God help me with my intention to heal my depression.

Please God help me with my intention to heal my fear of being alone.

Please do this mantra at least 25 times a day, in silence with rhythmic breath.


The mental state of disassociation allows spirit invasion. The Apana Mudra anchors you to the physical dimensions making it more difficult for the spirit to invade.
To do the Apana Mudra, touch the tips of your thumb, middle and ring fingers together, and then extend index and little fingers and when possible, rest the back of your hands on your thighs. You can do the Apana Mudra when you are walking or sitting.


The sound of OM (also pronounced AUM) opens and energizes your intentional channel. Do the OM Mantra as often and as long as you can during your day.


Visualize your life free of spirits and panic attacks, relaxed and unafraid. Always visualize the same images 3-4 times a day for two minutes.

Bad Habits That Allow Spirit Invasion

All addictions including liquor, sugar, drugs, electroaddiction (addiction to electronic devices, computer, internet, cell phone, and electrofog issues, which include loss of memory, poor judgment, mental confusion and anxiety break the mindstreams and allow spirits to invade.

Toxic Environments

Disintegrate your mindstreams allowing spirits to invade.

Purify Your Environment

Products to Detoxify Your Environment

It has been known for thousands of years that your destiny is intimately tied to the energies of your environment. Spirits are known to interfere with your intentions and to change your destiny. Systematic purification of your environment is an essential component of protecting and strengthening your mind thereby protecting you from spirit invasion.
When there have been events that are frustrating (anger), depressing and causing panic, these energies literally congest. These congestions disintegrate the natural energetic structures that protect you and your environment. These breaks open portals to other dimensions and allow easy entry for spirits/ghosts and other people’s thoughts and emotions.
To ensure your environment is not contested with emotional and mental toxins, we recommend systematic purification of your environment with these products:
We also recommend the OM HOME DVD as a guide to diagnosing and purifying your environment so that your intentions are not blocked.

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