Aura Protection in an Electronic World

Depression, Spirits and Suicide 

highrises, cell phones,  cell phone towers… could make you susceptible to the suicidal plague (miasm) that is washing over us now

May 14, 2012

I am not here selling you religion or end times theories.   The fact is that there is a wave of really bad energy called miasms (spiritual plagues) that are sweeping over the Planet that include suicidal energies. You can  either be susceptible or protected from these having to do with  the condition of your aura.

I should have investigated the angle of spirit influence on suicides more. I did not because I believed that people commit suicide because of spirit influence. Spirits that surround them because their aura is broken, whisper in their heads, like a broken record these types of statements: “I want to die”, ” I can’t go on…”,  “I give up”, “Why not?”, “Do it” This litany/broken record  of compulsive thoughts together with despair and a feeling that nothing will get better, does drive people to take their lives.

The voice that says “Do It!” is not yours

Several people that I have interviewed on this subject have confessed that a voice in their head tells them to throw themselves off of the balcony…and they are relieved when they find out during our conversations that that voice is not theirs! Remember the “The Devil made me do it” statement? It may be  more legitimate than we thought!

Today I have a bigger concern. If you remember the article I wrote on the young man who committed suicide ( who had a spirit on top of his body in the casket trying to choke him to death)   had a spirit attachment that    was not aware the young man was already dead…. his mission already  accomplished!

Does that mean  some suicides are not suicides but murder?

My concern  with  suicide today is that contrary to the past,  it is possible that  spirits now can literally drag us to where we would prefer not to go, to that balcony.

We are in 2012, the veils between dimensions are being blasted away, the spirit world is revealing itself as never before, and the spirits have more influence than ever on the physical dimension. As predicted in the Bible and by the Dolphins, they are possessing our bodies and turning us into zombies. And now I believe that we have much more reason to be afraid of them than before. It makes sense if you believe in one of the alternative scenarios about the ending of this cycle on Planet Earth.

I am not here selling you religion or end times theories.   The fact is that there is a wave of really bad energy called miasms (spiritual plagues) that are sweeping over the Planet that include suicidal energies. You can be susceptible or protected from these having to do with your aura. The younger the person, the more susceptible…

What to do to prevent spirit influenced suicides

Spirits cannot possess you, invade you nor push you if your aura is strong. If your aura strong?

These are the things that can weaken your aura:

  • electromagnetic radiation- electrosmog
  • cell phones-electrosmog
  • cordless phones-electrosmog
  • routers-electrosmog
  • cell phone towers-electrosmog
  • baby monitors-electrosmog
  • anything wireless..
  • lack of contact with nature
  • drugs, alcohol sex addictions
  • horror movies
  • living with fear
  • chronic depression
  • living near, living with and having contact or sex with someone who has suicidal thoughts…

The list is endless today

Cell Phone Towers

Highrise buildings generally have cell phone towers near, on top of or inside. People living this near to the towers who also spend hours a day carrying or using their cell phones most probably have deteriorated auras which make them susceptible to spirit influence. Use this link to find out how radiated you and your home is
Please pay attention, even if it is inconvenient to find out how your electronic gadgets can destroy your life.
The list is also endless on how to keep your aura strong…this entire website is about that.

There are two things you can do today to start strengthening your aura:

1. dramatic cutback in time spent on radiating devices such as cell phones (that includes carrying it without using it)
2. contact with nature which can heal the aura. It has always been known that a healthy aura is a balance of the four elements which we can get most easily via contact with nature.

Mantras for suicidal thoughts

Meanwhile, these mantras can help to process those obsessive thoughts that also break your aura, make you vulnerable to spirit influence and vulnerable to a wave of suicidal thoughts that is hitting the entire planet.

Choose one of these mantras and do it all day long. You may find that one mantra is the perfect one for now, and hours later you feel you need a different set of words. That means you already purified enough of the first issue and another layer of your thoughts/emotions is being revealed for you to work on. Obviously these mantras need to do dozens of times a day until you are no longer susceptible to this suicide miasm.

  • Please God help me with my intention to heal my suicidal thoughts.
  • Please God help me with my intention to not kill myself.
  • Please God help me with my intention to heal my wanting to die.
  • Please God help me with my intention want to live
  • Please God help me with my intention to heal my depression
  • Please God help me with my intention to have faith


  • Even though I want to die, I love and accept myself
  • Even though I am so angry I want to die, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though I am afraid I am going to kill myself, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though I am going to kill myself, I love and accept myself.

Surrogate mantras

If you are afraid someone close to you is feeling suicidal, then do a suicide mantra as a surrogate. Simply say to God that you wish the mantra to purify the aura of that person. these are some suggestions:

  • Please God help me with my intention that he heal his depression.
  • Please God help me with my intention that he/she heal his/her desire to die
  • Please God help me with my intention that he/she not kill himself.


  • Even though I am afraid he will kill himself, I love and accept myself

Mantra link

Go to our link on Mantras to get instruction on how to do them. Good luck and pass along this info as many many people are struggling with this suicide miasm without knowing that the thoughts are not theirs!

Talisman for Protection

we also recommend you use any and all talismans and protections your spirituality  has for you. We highly recommend you read this article on the Labradorita Talisman which is particularly programmed for the spirits that are now invading the Planet.

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