Your Zodiac Sign and the Venus Eclipse June 5


Full Moon June 4

Partial lunar eclipse June 4

Venus Eclipse June 5

This is a heavy-duty time in terms of astrological movement. About the Venus eclipse on Tuesday:

Speaking of omens, this kind of rare event indicates a check-in point with the state of humanity.

It’s the single most distinct astrology element in 2012.

There is a cycle of conjunctions between Venus and the Earth, which is almost exactly 2,000 years in duration.[iii] So, as Venus completes her current eight-year cycle of transits, these two planets will finally advance to a position where they will trace out the exact same shape of a pentagram, in the exact same location in the sky as the one they formed together 2,000 years ago, during the time of Jesus – the first arrival of the Christ mind.

This is the time when the frequency of the Earth, itself, is predicted to reach an average of 13 Hz, the next number in the Fibonacci sequence.  During an eclipse, something dies while something else is born.  This will be the return of the Goddess.

Are you ready for the final countdown, the collapse of the male dominated hierarchy paradigm and the rise in female power? The main change will be in distribution of power. The Arab Spring issues are an example. The definition of the word power:

The ability to do, to act

Lets look at how these massive changes in the sky will influence all  the Zodiac signs


Are you ready to not only open the door to female power but to hand it over gracefully at work? Are you ready to take orders from someone who traditionally should not have power over you? Take the time to examine your feelings about equal distribution of power, at home or at work and you will lubricate the flow of these next few months in your life.


You know what you want and you know how to go for it but do you know how to “go for it” hand in hand with another person? Do you really know how to share power or do you allow the other person the power or take the power yourself? How you share power will determine the gentleness or the brutality of these last few months of 2012.


He, her, it. Does it matter what gender or do you view all equal? Or do you view those less intelligent as less than you? Your block to your Golden Age has to do with wisdom versus intelligence…female intelligence versus male intelligence. You need to balance both, regardless of your gender.


You love the victim feeling, you are comfortable screeching about unfairness. Where is your male power, or did you give it away in order not to be responsible? Claim the power your position gives you and stop blaming others for what you have allowed.


What do you do when you see you can have power? Do you take it while pretending to share? Don’t pretend you don’t know what you are doing. Learn to share power openly, as in making others equally powerful, not giving them power so they can be grateful you were good to them.


You like power but don’t like people knowing that. It is time to be open about power and not hiding the areas you are powerful in. It is time to be truthful about your power.


You think you are fair in issues of power but often you “allow” people to make mistakes so you are better positioned and consequently more powerful. Stop doing that and be open about your intentions.


You too need to be more open and honest about how you use your power. If you would be embarrassed to admit what you are doing to accomplish your goals, then you are using your power to manipulate. It is time for a change.


Sharing power is not new for you but think carefully about whether you are truly fair. Do you pretend you are sharing when you are actually pushing secretly pushing your agenda? Balance out your male/female energies by being more open about what you want and how you are going to accomplish that.


You have always been power hungry. Lately you have learned that hoarding power does not make you happy. You are truly ready for the 2012, the ending of the world as we know it shift.


You do not like to be open about your power. You think others will not understand what you are doing because they are intellectually incapable of “getting it”. Share your thoughts so that you too can balance out your male/female energies. It is time to actually incorporate your Aquarius brotherhood energies into your daily life.


You love community so it will make you happy to share power. Just adjust slowly, and don’t rush into your flower child garb just yet!




Venus Eclipse June 5

This is a heavy-duty time in terms of astrological movement. About the Venus eclipse on Tuesday:

Speaking of omens, this kind of rare event indicates a check-in point with the state of humanity.

It’s the single most distinct astrology element in 2012.

There is a cycle of conjunctions between Venus and the Earth, which is almost exactly 2,000 years in duration.[iii] So, as Venus completes her current eight-year cycle of transits, these two planets will finally advance to a position where they will trace out the exact same shape of a pentagram, in the exact same location in the sky as the one they formed together 2,000 years ago, during the time of Jesus – the first arrival of the Christ mind.

This is the time when the frequency of the Earth, itself, is predicted to reach an average of 13 Hz, the next number in the Fibonacci sequence.  During an eclipse, something dies while something else is born.  This will be the return of the Goddess.

Are you ready for the final countdown, the collapse of the male dominated hierarchy paradigm and the rise in female power? The main change will be in distribution of power. The Arab Spring issues are an example.
The definition of the word power:

The ability to do, to act

Lets look at how these massive changes in the sky will influence all of  the signs:


Are you ready to not only open the door to female power but to hand it over gracefully at work? Are you ready to take orders from someone who traditionally should not have power over you? Take the time to examine your feelings about equal distribution of power, at home or at work and you will lubricate the flow of these next few months in your life.


You know what you want and you know how to go for it but do you know how to “go for it” hand in hand with another person? Do you really know how to share power or do you allow the other person the power or take the power yourself? How you share power will determine the gentleness or the brutality of these last few months of 2012.


He, her, it. Does it matter what gender or do you view all equal? Or do you view those less intelligent as less than you? Your block to your Golden Age has to do with wisdom versus intelligence…female intelligence versus male intelligence. You need to balance both, regardless of your gender.


You love the victim feeling, you are comfortable screeching about unfairness. Where is your male power, or did you give it away in order not to be responsible? Claim the power your position gives you and stop blaming others for what you have allowed.


What do you do when you see you can have power? Do you take it while pretending to share? Don’t pretend you don’t know what you are doing. Learn to share power openly, as in making others equally powerful, not giving them power so they can be grateful you were good to them.


You like power but don’t like people knowing that. It is time to be open about power and not hiding the areas you are powerful in. It is time to be truthful about your power.


You think you are fair in issues of power but often you “allow” people to make mistakes so you are better positioned and consequently more powerful. Stop doing that and be open about your intentions.


You too need to be more open and honest about how you use your power. If you would be embarrassed to admit what you are doing to accomplish your goals, then you are using your power to manipulate. It is time for a change.


Sharing power is not new for you but think carefully about whether you are truly fair. Do you pretend you are sharing when you are actually pushing secretly pushing your agenda? Balance out your male/female energies by being more open about what you want and how you are going to accomplish that.


You have always been power hungry. Lately you have learned that hoarding power does not make you happy. You are truly ready for the 2012, the ending of the world as we know it shift.


You do not like to be open about your power. You think others will not understand what you are doing because they are intellectually incapable of “getting it”. Share your thoughts so that you too can balance out your male/female energies. It is time to actually incorporate your Aquarius brotherhood energies into your daily life.


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