Horoscopes: Election Frustration causing Frankenstorm?

Frances Fox Psychic Horoscopes

Astral Energies October 29 to November 4, 2012

Your individual horoscope is below

Karma is when we draw to us something/someone that we need. It is possible that we need a huge purification…

There is so much going on in the other dimensions you would be dizzy if you could see it. Your confusion and disorientation in your daily life may be a consequence of what is going on over  “there”. When there are too many emotions and a tendency for violence, nature often comes in to balance out the energies.

The excess fire generated by  presidential election frustrations

Water puts out fire and the storm floods will dampen the frustrations

and angers that have built up in the battle for control of this nation.

Many fear that the results on Election Day may cause an even

more dangerous reaction. We may need this storm to cool us down, not

just prior to the elections but beyond.

Does your life need cooling down?

What is too “hot” in your life? What needs to “cool” down? Where do you need purification? Do the work to find out so that your purification can be managed with massages, flower essences, aromatherapy and cooling foods such as watermelon. Don’t wait; global warming is not just happening to Planet Earth, it is also happening in your personal life and body (liver is the organ that handles the fire in your body).


Go ahead and move quickly towards the goals. Make everyone aware of your every move so that they can trust you. Be efficient in your choices as there is not time for delays.


Be OK if not everyone is on the same page. This has been a big learning curve and not everyone moves as fast as you. Be patient and tolerant but do not allow anyone to dissuade you of your decisions.


Slow down your thoughts. Pay attention to details and only give out info that is requested. No one needs to know your every move for now. Silence is golden at this point.


You will get all that you reach for, so make sure you want what you are working towards. There is reason to be optimistic. The past is over and the future is what you create, so make it as big as you want.


Verify every piece of information you get. Don’t make any decisions until you know you have all the facts and then wait a little longer. Things are just not what you are being told they are. Be extra careful with the big plans being presented to you. They are just that: plans, not reality.


A long time ago you had a dream that you let go of. Today you are “dreaming” again. You are not being foolish but you must check to see if that dream is aligned with your other dreams so you can make sensible choices.


Just go for it. Just do it. Don’t keep thinking and thinking, just do it. Everything does not need to be perfect for it to work.


You waited a long time to gain your freedom. Do not give it up easily again. Just keep pushing forward, regardless of how many people try to pull you back into the same old life. You will not regret it.


You want to blame others but you know that won’t work. You need more rest, as the stress is building in your kidneys and may take you down if you do not get some relief. Repeat this mantra in silence with rhythmic breath  to help process  the stress “energetically” rather than physically:

Please God help me with my intention to heal the stress.


A lot of issues have been addressed and resolved and a lot of weird thoughts have been laid to rest. This is good. Yet there are still some unanswered questions that are keeping you from moving forward. Go ahead and ask the questions as you need to know the answers, regardless…


Frankly, no one really cares about your troubles. They have their own troubles, so get over hiding the truth from them. Your social life is getting smaller by the minute and you know how much you need human contact. Resolve the shame issues and get out there in the public eye again.


It is hard to belong to a group if you do not truly like the people. Figure out what group of people is really irritating you and then make plans to walk away from them.

Astral Energies of October 22 to 28, 2012

“Revelations” too much for you?

Your individual horoscope is below

Are these times of “revelations” too much for you? Do you cringe every time you realize how much you have done to mess up your own life and the life of others? Do you wonder why people still like/love you now that  such awful aspects of your personality have been revealed to you?

Are you shocked at how asleep you have been in your own life? Does it puzzle you that you could not “see” what you were doing and its effect on others?

“Wake up and smell the coffee”

The expression “wake up and smell the coffee” means to wake up to something that is there but only if you are awake! We could substitute that phrase with the word apocalypse for these times we are in. Apocalypse means to reveal and unveil and it is the title of the Book Of Revelations in the Bible that speak of these  chaotic times we are in.

It is time you list in your own personal Book of Revelations or Wikileaks the awful things you did while “asleep” or unaware. Do not be ashamed, as we all have a rather long list. Breathe deeply as you list your “sins”, knowing that these revelations are all about your level of disassociation and not your level of evil. You are closer to becoming a master when you take responsibility for all your problems. And the victim energy can be left behind, which means you will not be turning people into abusers. Remember, by Karmic Law there cannot be a victim unless there is an abuser. So those who choose to be victims automatically turn others into abusers…

We suggest this mantra:

Please God help me with my intention to wake up and forgive myself.


Do you keep forgetting that what happens to you is directly connected to what you do? Wake up and smell that coffee, your enemy is closer than you think, he is  you!


You wait for other when there really is no more time. Live each day as if this were the way you were going to live forever. If that thought makes you sick, then change that that is making you sick. Others will adapt to your changes more easily than you would ever imagine.


You have made a list of the changes you are going to make. Yet you keep waiting which is a grave mistake. Start instituting those changes, one by one and ask others to help, advising them of your determination to change your life.


It is easier to give up than to stay focused on something that appears to be an impossible mission. You chose that  “impossible mission” and it is ready to manifest so do not give up now!


Make up with the people who have wounded you but do not allow them to continue with the old habits. And make sure you can now recognize bad behavior or when people are not “good” to you so you can stop them immediately.


Times have changed and people have changed. Now you need to change. Pay attention to what you choose to change to make sure it is aligned with the “new” you,


Things are settling down and you can see where others would have been irritated at your behavior. Let them know you can see their point and that you will be changing those dreadful habits. Don’t you feel better already?


There is no need to fix everything in one day. Your impatience is an old habit that has gotten you into trouble many times. Do this mantra 50 times a day with rhythmic breath to help you to relax as you wait for the “big” change in your life:

Even though I want it to happen right now,

I love and accept myself.


It is everyone’s dream that a magic carpet come to sweep them away from their problems. Unfortunately that is only a dream, and in your case, will not happen anytime soon. Have the courage to enforce the decisions you have made, as that is the only way to avoid disaster. Do it now, as it may be more painful later.


You are emotionally exhausted but truly, you are doing it to yourself. You want everything your way and sometimes you don’t negotiate fairly with others. Be flexible and negotiate some of what you need but allow others some of what they want.


Now the “evil” thoughts are slowing down and it is not quite so dark inside your head. In one more week there will be even more light in your life and you can start to feel optimistic again.


You scored a lot of points when you got angry with those around you who have been unfair. Now you can put the weapons down and make peace. They are ready too.

It is actually dangerous today to look and feel like the woman in the photo….

being half asleep with depression is an open invitation to invasion

Astral Energies of October 15 to 21, 2012

Beware of Off Planet Influences on Your Memory Now

Your individual horoscope is below

Widen the lens on life as it going to get very interesting within days. You wondered if life existed off planet? You may get your answer this week but perhaps not via television but by what your own eyes see in your bedroom. Do not shut down, as your ability to “see” the other dimensions is an asset and can keep you and your family safer.

We can expect now an open announcement from the government, or subtle references to the existence of off planet interferences in life on our planet. But do not expect any government agency to help you to combat the presence of these energies in your life or your home.

Dealing with spirits that invade your mind and erase your memories

In Tibetan psychiatry there is a classification of over 20 different types of negative spirits, including a group that fog your mind so that you do not remember important things. You can expect to see many people suffering from dramatic memory losses in the next two weeks.

There are three things that can help to prevent or reverse this memory loss and block the invading spirits:

  1. An Ayurvedic product called Mind Care, a formulation of herbs that is thousands of years old. Look it up on the internet to see how you feel about taking it
  2. A willingness to “see” these spirits and their influence. In other words, the emotional strength to stay awake and aware of this new danger so that you can defend yourself and your loved ones
  3.  Castor oil packs on your forehead, 3 days in a row every two weeks.  Look up how to make a castor oil pack on the internet, placing it on your forehead for a minimum of 45 minutes and better yet, for 2 hours each session. Castor oil brings light into your forehead, which is your third eye, which is where your inner vision, psychic vision and wisdom are held.  This light will help you to balance the darkness which is invading the planet

A Gift From Lord Vishnu: The Coconut
These new spiritual influences cannot tolerate the vibration of joy, which is held and generated from our sacral/sexual chakra. Stay operational in the sex department and make sure you live, eat and breathe the energy of coconut. Lord Vishnu brought the Coconut to Planet Earth to help humans and to provide “protection”. Little did we know that this favorite fruit could do so much for us. Becoming obsessed with having Coconut in every inch of your life can save you from the worst predictions of the apocalypse.
Remember that these “apocalyptic” times were foretold. The word apocalypse means to reveal, unveil and these other dimensional and off planet forces have always existed, only to be revealed fully now. We could have been more prepared, but many of chose not to believe.  Whether you believe or not, those prophecies are now rapidly unfolding realities.  Embracing any and all that augment the light in your life is of utmost importance today while we are in the most difficult part of the ending of this cycle.

We suggest this mantra:

Please God help us with our intention to have the strength to successfully survive and flourish till the end.


You took too long and now it is late and saying you are sorry won’t work. You lost this battle. Seek help from others on how to finish gracefully so that the ending does not extend into forever.


If you are ready to admit your part in the problem, then it can be “fixed” now. Just don’t expect that those habits that were part of the problem will be tolerated. Pinpoint the behaviors that must be eradicated and do your best to ensure you never, ever go back to those habits.


Expect nothing and you get nothing. Expect people to step up to bat and they will. It is that simple.


It is all up to you. Draw up a plan and it will work. Wander mentally and nothing will happen. Understand?


You did not do your homework and now it is too late. Find out why you don’t do what you need to do. Are you too tired or do you resent having to work so hard? Do this mantra as it may help to push you out of this slump:

Please God help me with my intention to be disciplined in my work.


It is always someone else’s fault. Take full responsibility and things will work out in the end. Stop being such a baby and remember all that you did that helped to create this mess.


Saying you are sorry is not easy but very appropriate now. And people are ready to listen, perhaps for the first time. But saying you are sorry does not mean you should let people walk all over you. Set boundaries so that others continue to respect you.


You hesitate to say the truth yet you know you must. Do not hold back as the others need to know how you feel. It may mean a door closes forever, but if it does, know that you should never have walked through that doorway.


There is now a new order and new ways of doing things. It is now you that decides what gets done, and what is left for later or is simply dropped forever. Be kind to the person who lost their power so they do not lash out at you.


Be honest. Are you happy? If the answer is no, and you have not figured out why, and then ask appropriate people. Appropriate means people who know you or the situation, or people that know your family history, or people that have inside information on your childhood….you get the picture.


You feel like a loser and are behaving like a loser. Pull yourself together and go and find religion or do something spiritual to get back your self-confidence. Do not speak openly about what you are going through, as it will not be good for your public image. In a couple of weeks these awful feelings will pass and you be back on track.


Pick up the pieces and they still do not come together gracefully. It will be another two weeks of feeling out of sorts. But after that, it will be smooth sailing, as every one will know what they are responsible for and what they need to do.








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