Do You Have a Spirit Attachment?

Any characteristic that you have that is an extreme or an exaggeration can be a sign of a spirit attachment or possession. If you or anyone is extremely depressed or angry, that is usually a sign.  If the depression or anger is inappropriate for the current circumstances, that is a sign. If it feels like something or someone pushed a button and you became wild or “lost it”, that is a definite sign of attachment or possession. These are a few of the symptoms of spirit attachment:

  • Panic attacks
  • Depressions that won’t go away
  • Anger that is inappropriate for the circumstances
  • Fear that is inappropriate for the circumstances,
  • phobias
  • Unnatural inclination that you would prefer not to have (not your choice if you could chose)
  • Personality traits that you would prefer not to have
  • Excess hair on your body, whether you are born this way or acquire the hair in later years; (when you release an entity the hair goes away or diminishes)
  • Radically different parts of your personality not compatible with “who you are”
  • Involuntary movement of a part of your body: a twitch of the eye, an arm that stays in a position you did not choose
  • A snarl on your face that you try to change and it keeps changing back
  • Your facial expression changes when you touch on a certain issue or subject
  • Convulsions, epilepsy, tics
  • Change in facial expressions, change in body language, body movement
  • The most obvious sign is the feeling of a presence; sometimes our pets can  warn   us about that presence through body language that “something, someone” is there

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