Protect Your Root Chakra

Mental Yoga Practices

For the Root Chakra

We are into the Golden Age where the mind is king, We are still somewhat “hooked” to the old paradigm, but we do have the option of using our minds to instantly create what we intend. Below are recommendations to help you to energize your creations, by grounding them with a strong, vibrant root chakra

Close the door to “hell” with the Kundalini Mental Yoga exercise

Humans have a secret doorway to “hell” called the Brahmahvara. The exercise below is part of the Kundalini Mental Yoga exercise but  this part can be done alone to protect you. It also stops the underworld from flooding into your chakras, causing you to spend too much time on purifying and not enough time on creating.
Visualize your root chakra chakra, which is located in between your anus and your genitals. Sitting in a Lotus position with your  hands in the peace mudra, visualize  the secret doorway 2 inches below your root. Visualize yourself shutting that door way as you silently chant these words:

I am powerful and can block the entrance to my being simply by wanting it, visualizing it and feeling it.

You need to do this visualization for 2 minutes, no more and no less.
When you have time, try the entire  Kundalini Mental Yoga Exercise

We also suggest thesse 2 other exercises to keep you more functional in the other dimensions:

Purify your energetic baggage

I often say our auras are a like a garbage bag of “stuff” we carry around through lifetimes. It is often this “energetic baggage” that blocks us from creating the life that we intend. Institute a program for your aura and your home to purify your particular “energetic baggage ”. We suggest our collection of products  but even if you do not care to purchase them, find your own way of cleaning the other dimensions of your life.

OM mantra as part of your daily routine

The OM mantra is simply repeating the word OM.  Please quietly repeat the sound OM when you are not thinking, eating or talking, That sound opens up the central channel of your energy system: the causal energy body where are your intentions are held.

As you do the OM mantra over time, it widens this central channel so that you become a channel of light. The OM mantra also aligns you with your intentions and most importantly, strengthens and energizes those intentions.


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