Spirit Attack

Spirit attack: panic attacks, screaming babies, and long dark nights

Attack: according to Webster: another form of attacher, to fasten, join; to use force against in order to harm; to take the offensive against

Below is a list of a few of the symptoms of an attack by spirits.
1.   Waking up in fear at approximately the same time every night:
2.  Waking up with compulsive, repetitive thoughts
3.   Panic attacks: I believe that panic attacks are always spirit attack
4.   Compulsive thoughts you cannot control
5.   Feelings of pending doom or fear you cannot control and do not appear to be related to anything that has actually happened in your life
6.   A compulsive negative thought or urge that is inconsistent with your true nature
7. Prickling, stinging, itching, jabbing of the skin
8.   Sudden increase or onset of a physical pain or condition for no apparent reason
9.   Sudden onset of feelings of dread
10.    Sudden need for alcohol, sugar, drugs, sex (Note: without an entity attachment you can chose to drink or not drink; with an entity attachment the entity makes the choice, you don’t, and you end up drinking or smoking or eating when you don’t really want to or know you should not)
11.Something or someone not physical having sex with your body at night or during a nap
12. The most obvious sign is the feeling of a presence; sometimes our pets can warn    us about that presence through body language that “something, someone” is there

These entity attacks can drive you to drink, take drugs, commit suicide, beat your children, or act out in bad ways. That is the point; to beat up on you enough to get you to feel or behave in ways you would not willingly choose. For those of you who have spent months or years not sleeping well, these attacks are usually the unseen factor. How do I distinguish between spirit attack and spirit attachment and possession? Spirit attachment is a constant or temporary issue, at a lower level or volume of the issue. An attack is something that creates a bigger reaction in the person. The person becomes aware that something is different, that something is going on, that the fear level is getting out of control that their behavior is out of control. The change can be from one minute to another, but the most important symptom of attack versus attachment is the volume of reaction because the volume of the attack is so much more. Often the attacks occur at night, when we are most vulnerable. That is often the case with small children.

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