Are You Spiritually Sophisticated?

Anytime of the year you can learn

4 Things  From Halloween

Are You Spiritually Sophisticated?

Do you have the spirits in your life under control? It has been said that in Tibet, wearing  jewelry with the  head of a skeleton means you have control over the spirits in your life.  Do you have the right to wear a skeleton head, representing your dominion over the spiritual part of your life?


It is Halloween and we enjoy the festivities surrounding the themes of spirits and monsters (monsters being spirits that have shapes unlike human shapes). Do you think this is a coincidence that Halloween comes the night before All Saints Day and 2 days before El Dia De Los Muertos (“the day of the dead”)? Do you know what you are doing when you dress your kids up in “costumes” pretending to be something they are not? Why all that candy?

If we look at Halloween issues we can gain knowledge about those spirits and perhaps go from being “spiritually unsophisticated” to becoming a master of the other dimensions of our lives. It is time we pay attention to what all our religions have tried to teach us: there are beings in the other dimensions that influence us and we can control them and diminish their often insidious influence on our lives.

Halloween can be a spiritual education which we should take advantage of:

1. Halloween costumes: Dressing up as something you are not

 Spirits know how to “shape shift”. They can make themselves look like your dead uncle, a guardian angel, or the Virgin Mary. That is the bad news. The good news is that they cannot keep a shape that is not true to their essence. It is known that a way to see if that presenting spirit really is what it is presenting as, is to simply wait 30 seconds. If the shape dissolves into another shape, chances are that guardian spirit is no spirit guide at all.

2. Giving out sweets/candy

 Spirits like alcohol, drugs and sugar. One of the signs of spirit attachment is an addiction to sugar and/or sweets. Giving out sweets “pacifies” hungry spirits. Frequently when you visit Thai or Chinese restaurants, they have fruits as an offering at the door. Don’t try to take the fruits as are not for you, silly…they are offerings to the spirits. It is  a type of  spiritual bribe or pacifying spirits.

3.  Date of Halloween is suspiciously close to the Day of the Dead, November 2 nd.

The day of the dead honors people who have died,  which mean it honors “spirits”. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who no longer have a physical body.

  • Day of the Dead in Mexico:Today, people don wooden skull masks called calacas and dance in honor of their deceased relatives. The wooden skulls are also placed on altars that are dedicated to the dead. Sugar skulls, made with the names of the dead person on the forehead, are eaten by a relative or friend…..

4. Boo!

 Spirits do not like loud noises or bossy people. They prefer people that are depressed, fearful and submissive. Shouting “boo” is really a “casting out of spirits”. When Jesus Christ “cast out spirits” I do not think he said the word   “boo” but am sure he emitted some sort of sound that was similar. He directed himself at the spirit with authority and commanded them to leave!  

Monsters in the closet

The next time your kid tells you there are monsters coming out of his closet at night,  be a little more spiritually sophisticated and apply the Halloween teachings.  Tell your kid to use his voice and hands to frighten off the spirits, even encourage  the child to use the word “boo”.  

Spirits love the dark so why is your kid sleeping in the dark when there might be a “monster” in his closet?

Where is it written that your child must sleep in the dark? Spirits do love the dark and love dark closets. The fact that your child can “see” the spirits means the child is not shut down to the other dimensional influences, making they more spiritually sophisticated than their parents. Consider letting your spiritually aware and sophisticated child guide you as to where the spirits could be influencing your home.

We are not suggesting you add a skeletons head to your jewelry but that you finally accept what your religion has been trying to tell you: there are ways to address the presence of spirits in your life. If you do, even if you do not flaunt it in your jewelry, you will be spiritually sophisticated by widening your lens and your dominion over deeper aspects of your life.

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