The Bible Knew About Cell Phone Radiation Affecting Your Spirituality/Consciousness

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their  conscience seared with a hot iron

(I Timothy 4:1-2).

The Bible did anticipate what our public health officials are discovering, radiation does harm us. Our cell phones, electronic games, all apparatuses run by wireless technology are  microwave driven, as wireless is the energy of micrwave. Microwaves cook flesh, not just the meat we eat, but the flesh of our brain, head, hands, 2ne chakra etc. This is the definition of the word “seared” in case you need more  information:


1. To char, scorch, or burn the surface of with or as if with a hot instrument
2. To cause to dry up and wither


To become withered or dried up.
What is getting “seared” are the 72,000 mindstrings that channel the human mind and are very susceptible to microwave radiation. And when they are burned off at the ends, our God given  canopy of protection  is lost, allowing the microwave and spirits to hurt us. This is what the human assemblage looks like, multiple bodies, each nestled inside of each other in the proper dimensions. The “strings” are the mindstrings that channel our mind. They extend outward from our causal body which by all descriptions is our soul, so our soul is also left unprotected.
And this is how a young girl who is “seared” by her  addiction  to her cell phone and electronic games looks  like in the other dimensions:
radiated child girlAnd this is how a woman looks like, also “seared” by wireless technology:
All the black lines are cell phone radiation and the black box is a "hole" in her aura due to holding the cell phone in her pocket.
All the black lines are cell phone radiation and the black box is a “hole” in her aura due to holding the cell phone in her pocket.

 Read all the articles on our links “electro stress” and “electroaddiction” for more information.

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