Vampires Exhausting You?

Psychic Horoscopes

April 8 to 14, 2013

What is that over your bed?

 Your individual horoscope is below

I have not shared any “News From Other Dimensions” with you for several weeks because of how shocked I was at finding this new development. Below are graphics of what I “see” in bedrooms, and is perhaps the explanation for the unnatural level of exhaustion many people are suffering from.

The New Vampires: Invading Miasms.

 A miasm is a cloud of negative energies, emotions, thoughts and even spirits. Miasms have been known to exist since the beginning of time. Most people today have a miasm over their beds as shown in the graphic below. It is at the ceiling level during the day and moves down towards the body while the person sleeps…

Sleeping miasm over bedcloud


 This is what I see over the beds of people who are waking up so exhausted they are starting to feel and look like zombies. ….more and more people are being penetrated by the tentacles extending from these miasms.  



I am working on what the miasms are made of and what can prevent it from penetrating you. I experimented with a group, trying different things to prevent the penetration. We found that these miasms cannot penetrate anything heavy with earth energies.

Blocking this new type of “vampires”

These invading miasms enter our aura through holes in it. It appears they “know” or can detect where we are “broken”. In our group we found that people with sexual abuse issues were invaded in the throat and sexual/sacral chakras. A person who had problems with her feet was invaded via her feet!

  • The number one thing we found out about these invading miasms is that they do not like the element of earth. So anything that augments the earth element in your aura will help block them.
  • The crystal called labradorite  in our Fox Talisman, has lithium in it. Lithium is the heaviest earth element and  we experiemented with a group and found that sleeping with our  Labradorite necklace prevents the tentacles from penetrating the throat chakra (neck). But then the tentacles move down to the second/sexual chakra. So you have to sleep also with the 2 medallions under your bellybutton.
  • I have not tried it yet with the group that is helping me experiment with remedies, but I suspect that a crystal bowl played in the bedroom before sleep will help. Crystal bowls are a profound way to add the element of earth to a space. Even regular spirits do not like crystal bowls!

We will continue to experiment and post the results on our website under the title The New Vampires: Invading Miasms. Believe it or not, all of this is due to our planets alignment with that super massive black hole on December 21, 2012.




Old dogs can learn new tricks. You too can change, just like everyone else. It is time to let go of old habits that are hurting you, even blocking your prosperity. If the way you are conducting your life is not working for you, then change the way you operate.


It was always about the others and what they did that messed you up. But now, slowly, you are seeing what you did to mess up and it is painful. Do not turn against those who know your faults, as they still love you, even though you find that hard to believe. Look at this time as the releasing and ending of an old way of living. Embrace your new cycle.


Good news is around the corner, as early as the end of the week. But you may not recognize it as good news because it is “different” from what you expected. Here is where your adventurous nature and flexibility will come in handy. so you don’t reject what is being offered.


It is not too late for all that success you yearned for. It is falling into your lap as if by magic. If you take the time to figure out how you could get so lucky, you will see that you have been working towards these goals for decades. Enjoy the “luck” and do not share your achievements with those who may get jealous.


It is so easy to blame others but not a wise thing to do now. You know your part in this mess so just accept it and gracefully move forward to do what must be done. It is that simple.


You are always arguing with yourself about how you could have done it better. Your perfectionism is going to kill you and it is absolutely killing your relationships. Try this mantra to help heal your need for a perfection that does not exist on Planet Earth. Repeat these words in silence and with rhythmic breath 50 times a day:

Please God help me with my intention to heal my needing to be perfect vasanas.

A vasana is a deep-rooted scar on my mind and is the basis for karma.


Move all the way up to the top, which is where you know you want to be. It is possible now to achieve your goals, as the planets are supportive of your projects. Just put into practice what you learned in the last 2 ½ years when Saturn dominated your life.


It is not possible that all those people you hate were that “bad” to you. Is it possible you have developed a habit of blaming others for all your problems? Take responsibility, as it is the only way of exiting this situation quickly.


Hold on to your seat, you need to move very fast so as to align with the fantastic energies the Planets are sending you. Don’t think, just do it!


It is never, ever, ever too late to say you are sorry. And you are. But your words and attitude need to match. Just saying the words are not enough as there is too much old resentment.


You are bored again. It is your responsibility to set up a life that includes challenges and different people and activities to keep your Aquarian mind well exercised. Make changes now to have more fun with new people and new things.


Leapfrog to success could be your motto for the next 6 months. Thank those who supported you and helped you achieve these monumental goals.


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